Request Membership

Membership Info

100% Private Golf Course
100% Affordable

Northern Spy Golf Club offers a variety of different memberships built to suit your needs. Members will receive an extensive tournament schedule with events offering a blend of competition and camaraderie. Our challenging course and friendly staff ensures our members will enjoy bringing guests out for a drink, as well as perfecting their game.

We encourage you to request a tour of our facility, and welcome any questions you may have. For additional information about pricing and our application process, please fill out this form or call us at (978)597-8400. We look forward to hearing from you.

Membership Packages 2024

Single Memberships
Unlimited Adult $3,650 $456.25/month paid January - August
Unlimited Over 60 or Under 35 $3,250 $406.25/month paid January - August
Hybrid Adult $3,050 $381.25/month paid January - August
Hybrid over 60 or Under 35 $2,650 $331.25/month paid January - August
Weekday Adult $2,450 $306.25/month paid January - August
Weekday Over 60 or Under 35 $2.050 $256.25/month paid January - August
Junior (18 & under) *Joining Alone $1,500 $187.50/month paid January - August
Golf Association Dues $200 One-time fee only